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    1、英文辞职信内容_英文辞职信_英文版辞职信_英文辞职信模板-条据书信 篇一:微软大中华区ceo陈永正辞职信 i want to share with you some difficult news about my future plans. later today, i will announce that i have resigned from microsoft and will be taking a position in a different filed. it is not without a heavy heart that i contemplate leaving the

    2、 incredible work and extraordinary people that i have been privileged to encounter during my four years at microsoft. together, we have accomplished what some might have thought could not be done. in a few short years, we have defined a clear and stable strategic framework for microsofts business in

    3、 the greater china region. we have nearly doubled sales and have broken through the $1 billion mark in revenue in gcr. in china itself, we have tripled our sales in the last three years. including those of covered oems, and we are posed to hit $ 1 billion in fy08. we have reduced the upc rate by mor

    4、e than 20%. we have added hundreds of new people and expanded our operations to more than 15 locations across the region. we have strengthened our customer and partner relationships and transformed the way people view microsoft, not just locally but all around the globe as well. most importantly, we

    5、ve been able to use our technology to help improve the lives and livelihood of millions of people throughout the greater china region. i have learned from each of you along the way and you have made my experience at microsoft one that i will never forget. while change always comes with its share of

    6、unknowns, there is one thing that i have absolutely no question about, and that is this organizations ability to continue the great work that weve begun. we have a well-thought our transltion plan in place and some of the finest leadership in the team and in our strategy with the big rocks plan in p

    7、lace. i have no doubt that in the very near future, microsoft greater china region will no longer be talking about breaking through the $1 billion but about the $5 billion mark. j at 4 pm today, we will have an all-hands meeting in the millennium building to discuss my plans and the transition in mo

    8、re detail. in the meantime, id like to express my deep thanks to every one of you in the microsoft greater china region for your hard work and for your contribution to our continued success. 中文翻译 我想同大家分享一下关于我本人将来方案的一项困难决定。今日晚些时候,我将宣布从微软公司离任,转入一个全新的领域工作。想到即将告辞这份不行思议的工作,离开四年来我有幸在微软遇到的诸位杰出的同事,我心情颇为沉重。

    9、我们共同完成了许多人认为无法完成的工作。在短短的几年里,我们确定了推动微软中华区业务进展的清楚而稳固的战略框架。我们的销售增长了几乎一倍,大中华区的销售收入突破了10亿美元。过去的三年里,在中国大陆,我们将销售(含coverec oems)业绩提高了两倍,并为XX财年实现10亿美元的目标做好了预备。我们将未经授权的电脑用法率(cpu)降低了20多了百分点;新雇用了几百名员工;将业务运营扩展到了中国大陆、_、_15个以上的城市。我们还加强了同客户和合作伙伴的关系,不仅在本地区乃至全球转变了人们看待微软的方式。 最重要的是,我们运用我们的技术关心中国大陆、_、_许很多多的人改善他们的生活和生计。一

    10、路走来。从你们每个人身上,我学到了许多;你们使我无法遗忘我在微软经受。 诚然,改变总会伴随着一些不确定。但是,有一点我坚信不疑,那就是,公司有力量连续我们已经开头了的胜利,我们已经制定了经过认真斟酌的交接方案,并出世界最好的领导团队来完成。我对目前的管理团队及其战略布满信念,到底big rocks方案已经就为。毫无疑问,在不久的将来,微软大中华区谈论不再是10亿美元的突破,而是50亿美元新纪录的制造。 今日下午四点,我们将在现代汽车大厦召开全体员工大会介绍我的方案和具体的工作交接方案。最终,我想对微软大中华区的每一位员工表达我深深的谢意,感谢你们的辛勤工作,感谢你们为我们的胜利所做的贡献。 英

    11、文辞职信二:乔布斯英文辞职信 to the apple board of directors and the apple community: i have always said if there ever came a day when i could no longer meet my duties and expectations as apples ceo, i would be the first to let you know. unfortunately, that day has come. i hereby resign as ceo of apple. i would l

    12、ike to serve, if the board sees fit, as chairman of the board, director and apple employee. as far as my successor goes, i strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name tim cook as ceo of apple. i believe apples brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. and i look forward

    13、 to watching and contributing to its success in a new role. i have made some of the best friends of my life at apple, and i thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you. steve 中文翻译 致苹果董事会和苹果团体: 我曾经说过,假如有一天我不再能够胜任,无法满足你们对我作为苹果首席执行官的期盼,那么我将主动让你们知道。特别不幸的是,这一天已经来临。 从今之后,我将辞去苹果首席执

    14、行官一职,但是,假如董事会认为合适的话,我仍将连续担当苹果董事会_、董事以及苹果员工等职位。 就我的继任者而言,我剧烈建议公司根据我们的继任方案进行,并任命蒂姆库克(tim cook)为苹果新任首席执行官。 我信任,苹果将迎来最光明、最具创新的时代。我也盼望能够看到这一切,并在新的角色上连续为苹果的胜利贡献一份力气。 在苹果,我已经结交了一些最好的伴侣,感谢你们全部人,感谢你们多年来能和我一起工作。 乔布斯敬上 英文辞职信:杨致远英文辞职信 to: all yahoos fr: jerry subject: update yahoos i wanted to address all of yo

    15、u on the news weve just announced. the board of directors and i have agreed to initiate a succession process for the ceo role of yahoo!. roy bostock, our chairman of the board, is leading the effort to identify and assess potential candidates for consideration by the full board. the board will be evaluating and considering both internal and external candidates and has retained heidrick and struggles to help in this effort. i will be participating in the search for my successor, and i will continue as ceo until the board selects a new ceo. once a successor is named, i


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