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    1、PROJECT GIVING AN ORAL REPORTPROJECT GIVING AN ORAL REPORTPassage 1Passage 1TeenagerTeenagers friendshipss friendshipsQuestionnaireAre you a boy or a girl? Boy Girl 1. How many best friends do you have? A lot A few None2. How often do you have a long conversation with your friends? More than three t

    2、imes a week once a week seldom neverTick the answer which most applies to you.3. What topics do you mostly talk about with your friends? Hobbies and interests Families and friends School and study Emotions and feelings Future plans and dream4.Do you share your secrets with your best friends? Always

    3、Sometimes Never5. Do you think boys and girls have the same attitudes towards friendship? Yes No6. If you choose No to Question 5 , what different attitudes do they have?Friendship plays an important role in our lives.Friendship plays an important role in our lives.Everybody needs friends. However,

    4、girls and Everybody needs friends. However, girls and boys talk about different topics with their boys talk about different topics with their friends and have different types of friendshipsfriends and have different types of friendshipsConclusion:Conclusion:DISCUSSIONThere are many differences betwe

    5、en teenage boys and teenage girls friendships. What are they?Fast Reading Read the passage quickly, and then find the answers to the following questions:1. What puzzles Robert?(no more than 7 words)Some things about Amanda and her friends.2. What are boys and girls friendships each based on?(no more

    6、 than 19 words)3. What do boys and girls consider important in a friend?(no more than 1 words)Girls friendships are based on shared feelings and support while boys friendships are based on shared activities or interests.Qualities. Careful Reading Fill in each blank with no more than three words.Lead

    7、-inRobert ,1. _of Amanda, cant understand girls friendship- the girls talk about the same topic for so long.The different 2_ towards friendshipbetween girls and boysFriendships between girls are based on shared 3_.Friendships between boys are based on shared4_. Boys will be cautious about 5_ their f

    8、eelings with friends.Many studies show that girls have more friendship and its easy for girls to tell their best friends6_Many boys fail in telling a best friends name and may find 7_to avoid the question.8._Although boys and girls tend to share different things in their friendships, both of them th

    9、ink9_ in a friend are important . Every one of us need 10 _ in our lives .attitudesfeelings and supportactivities or interestssharingnamessome excusesConclusion qualitiesfriendsthe twin brotherGiving an oral report Retell the story according to the main idea of each para.3.Conclusion:boys share.;gir

    10、ls share.1.The topic: boys and girls have .2.The result of many studies:differences are clear.1)Friendships based on different things.2)Boys cant name .3)Girls can name a best friend. Regardless of the differences,they are all friendships. Conduct a survey and then work in a group of six. You want t

    11、o survey people to determine how attitudes between boys and girls differ on a certain topic. Circle one of the topics below or write down one of your own. favorite food hobbies dream school subjects music books sports HOMEWORKPresent your report to the whole class.Write a report.Conduct a survey and

    12、 analyze the results.Design survey questions and make a questionnaire. Choose your topic2008年下学期年下学期 制作制作 05 I believe that you can do a good job!Para. 3&4: Girls have more friendships than boys.BoysGirlsadolescent malesadolescent females1. reactions to the questionQ: Can you name a best friend?hesi

    13、tate before respondinganswer without pausing2. answers to the question1. 1. ThoughThough they get along well, there are some things about they get along well, there are some things about Amanda and her friends Amanda and her friends thatthat puzzle puzzle Robert.(L1-2)Robert.(L1-2)2. When 2. When as

    14、kedasked, they usually hesitate before responding. , they usually hesitate before responding. (L15-16)(L15-16)3. Friendships between girls 3. Friendships between girls areare usually usually anchored inanchored in shared shared feelings and support, but friendships between boys feelings and support,

    15、 but friendships between boys are are based onbased on shared activities or interests. (L9-11) shared activities or interests. (L9-11)4. Females 4. Females whowho have been asked can usually answer the have been asked can usually answer the question without pausing. (L19)question without pausing. (L

    16、19)5. The qualities 5. The qualities thatthat boys and girls consider important in a boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, friend seem to be the same, regardless ofregardless of the basis of the basis of these friendships. (L22-24)these friendships. (L22-24)Sentence translationSentence translationWords to be studiedWords to be studied1. 1.puzzlepuzzle vt.vt. 困惑;苦思困惑;苦思 puzzled puzzled adj.adj. 感到困惑的感到困惑的/ puzzling / puzzling 令人困惑的令人困惑的 be puzzled about be puzzled abo


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