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    1、英文的自荐信锦集10篇英文的自荐信 篇1dearxxx,i am writing to apply for a menber of your school, i will be very grateful to you for taking the time to read my self-recommendation letter.i graduated from xxxx, is seeking a higher level of education. this is a fortunate and the exciting thing that my hometown be able t

    2、o have such a world-class university. i cherish this opportunity very much and look forward to becoming a student of your school, to do more study and exploration.i grew up here, who would like to learn and experience something unknown, especially those in relation to business. and,since i have gone

    3、 to school,i love english.i am interrested in foreign culture especially the culture of the united kingdom.i believe that your school business collage is a unique one, with the professor full of personal charm, with the sync world advanced theory, the active young students, advanced equipment and a

    4、variety of books.it is a very good place where trains the elite and promotes mutual communications between the elite.i has a special enthusiasm to your schools business collage.so i made full understanding about it. i like finance and management.thus i think i can have all the advanced theories and

    5、the experiences of the practical activities.it will make my college life become an extremely meaningful during the four years. financial and management is my ambition.and your schools college is the first and most important step of my idea.if i have the honor to go to your school, i will treasure th

    6、e learning opportunity at your school. thank you again for taking the time to read my self-recommendation letter.best wishesxxxx英文的自荐信 篇2推荐信的注意事项:1 推荐人的选择:申请本科,班主任推荐是必须的,除了班主任之外,需要提供两位老师的推荐(一个为文科老师,一个为理科老师,一般选择英语和数学老师)。注意问题:如果有实习等经历可以提供实习单位推荐,但是一定要有内容可写的,如果只是认识一些名校的校友之类的就不需要提供了。2 推荐信的具体内容注意事项:A. 一定要

    7、从老师的角度出发,来考虑这些问题。B. 提供实际的事例。比如:你上课喜欢问问题,那这种方式是否促进了班级学习的积极性,辅助老师更好地教学增强了学习效率呢?有没有印象特别深刻的问题,体现了学生那方面的能力?课下是如何和老师联系,探讨了哪些问题,让老师感受到了你怎么样的学习态度,学习进展以及学习成果?成绩是班上最好的,除了学术成绩以外,你还有什么特别的优势或者素质呢?作为班上成绩最好的学生,你为老师,为同学,为班集体做了什么贡献,比如以你自己的方式影响了同学,提高了他们的学习积极性或者对课程本身的理解,是通过哪些特殊的事情体现出来的?3 老师个人信息的提供:必须提供老师的电话(最好为办公电话)、邮

    8、箱(最好是学校官方邮箱),教授的科目、认识多长时间等信息,网申的时候必填的内容。4 推荐信的提交:推荐信的提交一般分两种:纸质提交(打印出来,签字,封到封口处签字的信封里,给学校邮寄走)和网上提交(申请表填写老师邮箱,学校给老师发账号和密码,老师网上提交)。越来越多的学校选择后者,所以建议学生提前把这两种跟老师说好,如果是纸质的到时候让老师签字或者咱们代签就行,如果是网上提交,建议让老师到时候把链接账号和密码转发给我们,我们来提交。英文的自荐信 篇3我将於今年毕业纽约大学研究所。获得理学硕士后,希望立刻就业,自信能担任通信工程师工作。就我所t解,贵公司橐槐驶械商业,对贵公司之发展,本人至楦信濉

    9、蚁阁下能赐与楣蠊司服务机会,自信能把工作做好,这也许是将使我成橐晃锢硌抑大好机会。我在研究所选修之物理课程,特别与贵公司发展工作,有著密切关S。因槲抑餍薜目纬淌俏锢硌,故我在选修方面,特别强调集成电路,在这方面课程,曾作过很多实验。若贵公司目前尚无适当工作,敬请把我的应徵列槲蠢辞蟛挪慰肌蠊司如需我个人资料,我愿随时提供参考,只要阁下方便,我愿随时前来贵公司应试。xxdear sir,in june of this year i shall receive my masters of science degree from new york university and i am natural

    10、ly very much interested in securing a position. i believe i can qualify as a communications engineer.for as long as i can remember your company has been a standard in the field of business machines and i have followed its developments with keen appreciation. i should like very much to have the privi

    11、lege of working under the supervision of one of your men not only because i sincerely believe that i can serve you well, but also because it would give me a fine opportunity to grow as a physicist.the course in physics i have taken as a graduate have a particular hearing on the development work of y

    12、our firm. as a physics major i selected my courses with particular emphasis on those dealing with integrated circuits, and have had considerable laboratory work in these fields.if you do not have any vacancies at present for which i might be considered, will you please file my application for future

    13、 reference? i shall be pleased to supply any additional information you may wish and come to your office for a personal interview at any time that is convenient.sincerely yours,英文的自荐信 篇4dear leaders:hello!let me take this cover letter i wish you best wishes and sincere work and good luck!i am a chem

    14、ical hunan vocational and technical college 05 professional biochemical process of a student about to graduate. deng hao name, i, with a sincere heart and pursuit of the cause, in good faith recommend your own.three years in school, i did not feel wasted. i learned a lot not only knowledge, but also

    15、 to improve the quality of their own, college, in life as a member of the class, have been teachers and students alike. this chain of my work and organization and management ability of a high degree of my sense of responsibility. i pay attention to quality, and actively participate in school activit

    16、ies, when the sophomore basketball team participated in the department work together with students from the whole of the fourth house, when the junior grades the first game.professional areas: proficiency in biochemistry, microbiology, cell biology, enzyme engineering and fermentation technology courses and other important principles of the theory,


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