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    1、初中英语演讲2分钟范文(精选3篇)初中英语演讲2分钟范文 篇1who is using the arm of qiu jin, for us to put up a brilliant sky?who is using the hard-working hands, happy for us to build a home?are you, father, a great name but ordinary!father of a mountain, broad-minded, the father of rivers to accommodate an umbrella for us so

    2、that we stay away from disasterfather of a vessel, carrying us, brave the wind and waves, love towards the harbor!in the eyes of his daughter, the father is more like you are leaning against a tree in spring can love you like fantasy ganlu drop, moisten with my heart;through the summer to enjoy your

    3、 love, like bursts of breeze, the wind blowing softly beside him;taught me to become ripe autumn, your love is to me is that the rich fruits of successtaught me to become a strong winter, you love the sun are continuously given me confidence and strength!spring, summer, autumn and winter, the sun tr

    4、aces of rotation time, quietly climbed up the wind and rain on your face honed, so that you vicissitudesnot forget, you earnestly to teach the scene not forget, you sent her daughter to ride back to school is not to be forgotten, when the daughter of late in your sad eyes初中英语演讲2分钟范文 篇2on new years e

    5、ve,our class had a party. the atmosphere was good. it was out of the ordinary from the very begining. the boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. we saw a boy named li xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. then with three resounding(响亮的) crow of a cock echoing in the hal

    6、l,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.then,the representative of the bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. he added that li xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. they left us

    7、all in confusion. and it was our monitor who was quickwitted(机智的). he shouted our, the day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn. the hall after that,they had another item. this time li xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. while he was standing there,the other three stood around him

    8、,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. it was an idiom. this time i got it right:the dog stands out among a group of chickens.初中英语演讲2分钟范文 篇3教师是火种,点燃了学生的心灵之火;教师是石级,承受着学生一步步踏实地向上攀登。教师是一支蜡烛,虽然细弱,但有一分热,发一分光,照亮了别人,耗尽了自己。这无私的奉献,令人永志不忘。您讲课的语言,悦耳像叮咚的山泉,亲切似潺潺的小溪,激越如奔泻的江流春蚕一生没说过自诩的话,那吐出的银丝就是丈量生命价值的尺子。敬爱的老师,您从未在别人面前炫耀过,但那盛开的桃李,就是对您最高的评价。您的爱,太阳一般温暖,春风一般和煦,清泉一般甘甜。您的爱,比父爱更严峻,比母爱更细腻,比友爱更纯洁。您-老师的爱,天下最伟大,最高洁!古人云:三人行必有我师,又云:一日为师终身为父。教师被誉为人类灵魂的工程师,尊师重教是中国人一直津津乐道的优良传统。在今年的教师节来临之际,我感谢XX学校所有陪伴我成长的老师,谢谢你们!


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