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    1、第三天单句语法填空1、Some_(expert) think that language learning is much easier for children.2、He considered the question from all_(aspect).3、For some kids network can be as_(addict) as herion.4、_, the old man was not badly hurt. I think he was really_just now. (luck)5、It was really annoying; I_(can) get acces

    2、s to the data bank you had recommended.阅读理解6、 Visit Londons most famous places of interest on one of these top London sightseeing (观光)tours. Dont forget your camera!Warner Bros.Studio Tour Take the Warner Bros.Studio Tour for a lively, behind-the-scenes look at film-making.What attracts the tourists

    3、 most are the sets, costumes and props from the Harry potter film series. They can experience the British art,technology and talent that produced world famous movies at Warner Bros.Studio Tour. Tickets from 63City Cruises Sightseeing Tours Have a sightseeing tour on the Thames with City Cruises.Sit

    4、back,relax, and enjoy Londons top sights and attractions from the river. You can also enjoy a special lunch,dinner or an afternoon tea with a view youll never forget. Tickets from9.75Walking and Bike Tours Spread your legs and explore London on a guided walking or bike tour. Choices include a celebr

    5、ity walking tour of Notting Hill, a walk around Westminster by gaslight, a Jack the Ripper tour, a London markets walk, and bike tours around secret attractions and royal London. Tickets from 10Houses of Parliament Follow the same steps the Queen takes when she opens a session at the House of Parlia

    6、ment.Stand behind the Prime Ministers seat in the House of Commons and see Cromwells death warrant for Charles I. Use the guided audio tour to recreate the atmosphere of government and learn about its historical significance(意义). Tickets from 18.501.If you are crazy about Harry Potter, you can choos

    7、e _.A.Houses of parliamentB.Warner Bros.Studio TourC.City Cruises sightseeing ToursD.Walking and Bike Tours2.From the city Cruises sightseeing Tours you can_.A.make a walking tour of Houses of parliamentB.watch world-famous movies produced at WestminsterC.see Cromwells death warrant for Charles ID.e

    8、njoy sights and attractions from the Thames River3.If a couple want to make a tour of Houses of Parliament,they will pay at least_.A.37B.20C.19.5D. 126 7、 We all know some great people in our lives. So what makes them so great? Dr Kimbro, author of the book What Makes the Great Great, believes that

    9、being great depends on a promise of making dreams come true. He writes in his book,“All high achievers make choices,not excuses. We all have a million excuses for the failure of something, but only some go on to achieve their goals in life. Here are some other important things that make great people

    10、 great. If you wish to achieve greatness, you should be willing to work your butt off. As Margaret Thatcher puts it beautifully, I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near. Practice and you

    11、shall get there. We learn things by practicing, be it walking, dancing, or even brushing our teeth. We do these things again and again until we become good at them. Great people practice like theres no tomorrow. Your critics(批评者) do you the biggest favor. They fuel you to do better. Every great pers

    12、on has his or her critics, who think the worse about them and doubt their talent. “Criticism may not be agreeable,but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things,” Winston Churchill once said. All great people have one t

    13、hing in common. They all have been selfless in their services to others. That was their intention(意图) all along: to serve others and to help them overcome difficulties. As Martin Luther King said, “Not everybody can be famous but. everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service. W

    14、hen the time comes, be ready to lead. That is what separates(区分) the weak from the strong. Great people are not just about talking. They actually jump in when the need appears.1.What does the author want to show by mentioning Margaret Thatchers words?A.Hard work is very important.B.Not everyone can

    15、get to the top.C.We should have the right method.D.Almost everyone around her works hard.2.What does Winston Churchill think of criticism?A.Unavoidable.B.Important.C.Disappointing.D.Annoying.3.What does the author think separates the weak from the strong?A.Accepting criticism.B.Being critics to others.C.Holding on to promises.D.Leading the weak when needed.8、 Counterfeit(假的) medicines are a widespread problem in developing countries. Like other counterfeits, they look like real products. But counterfeit drugs may


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