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    1、交通安全方面的知识和事例英文版First, what is the traffic safety facilities ?To maintain traffic order to ensure traffic safety, give full play to the function of road traffic , in accordance with the provisions along the road to traffic lights, traffic signs and markings and traffic separation barrier and other tr

    2、ansportation hardware in general.Second, how to compensate for damage to transportation facilities and punishment ?Perpetrators damaged transport infrastructure , should take the initiative to call the police , in addition to compensation for restoration of damaged transportation facilities all requ

    3、ired fees , according to Shantou SEZ Road Traffic Administration Punishments Article XVII of the perpetrators at 500 or a fine of 1,000 yuan . Damage to transportation facilities escape , according to regulations re place .Third, what is the road traffic signs ?Road traffic signs with graphic symbol

    4、s, colors and text traffic participants to pass specific information for traffic management facilities.Fourth, how to classify road traffic signs ?Divided into the main road traffic signs signs and auxiliary signs two categories.Main sign is divided into:Warning signs, prohibition signs , directiona

    5、l signs , guiding signs , tourist signs and road construction safety signs.Fifth, what are the warning signs ?Warning signs to warn vehicles and pedestrians sign of dangerous locations . In the shape of an equilateral triangle is the line , the color is yellow , black border and black pattern .Six ,

    6、 what is the ban on signs ?Prohibition signs are prohibited or restricted vehicles, pedestrians traffic behavior signs. Its shape is generally circular , octagonal or individual equilateral triangle vertex line down . Its color is usually white , red circle and red slash and black pattern , No vehic

    7、le parking signs for the blue , red circle and red slash .Seven , what is the indicator ?Signs are indicative of vehicles and pedestrians moving logo. In the shape of round, square or rectangular , the color blue and white pattern .Eight , what is the guiding signs ?Pass on the road guide sign is th

    8、e direction , location and distance information signs. Its shape , except for location identification , milestones , sub- confluent flags, rectangular or square. Its color, blue and white pattern for the general road , highway to green background white pattern .Nine , what is the auxiliary flag ?Aux

    9、iliary flag is close to the lower edge of the main sign , a sign from the Help function . In the shape of a rectangle , the color is white , black , black border. Is used to represent time , vehicle type , warnings and prohibitions grounds , regional or distance can not fully express the main flag i

    10、nformation .Ten of several new , common traffic signs explanation:1 vehicular parking signs:This flag is round, blue , red circle and red slash , which means that banning all vehicles. Cross double slash as prohibiting temporary or long vehicle parking signs. Monoclinic lever long as no vehicle park

    11、ed flag temporary parking ( drivers are not allowed to leave the cab ) is unrestricted.(2) stop and yield signs:The flag is octagonal , the color is red and white , which means that vehicles must stop at the stop line outside lookout , that it is safe before allowing access .3 vehicle access is proh

    12、ibited signs:This flag is round, white , red circle and red slash , black car graphics , which means that banning all motor vehicles ( including motorcycles ) traffic. Attached to the lower edge of the two motorcycles except Auxiliary flag , allowing two motorcycle traffic.Eleven , what is the road

    13、traffic markings ?Road traffic markings on the pavement by the delineation of the various lines, arrows , text, elevation tag , protruding signs and delineators and other traffic safety facilities constructed . Its role is to control and guide traffic . Can be used in conjunction with traffic signs

    14、, can also be used alone.Traffic marking according to the functions can be divided into three categories: prohibited marking , marking instructions and warning markings .Twelve , double solid yellow center line What is the function ?Center double solid yellow line represents strictly prohibited over

    15、taking vehicles across the line , pressure lane and turn left . Also expressed strictly prohibited vehicles and pedestrians crossing. Which acts as the center or center- minutes drive isolation barrier greenbelt .Thirteen , central yellow broken line What is the function ?Central yellow broken line

    16、represents the solid line and prohibiting overtaking vehicles to turn left across the line , dashed line allows vehicles to ensure safety in case of overtaking and turning left across the line .XIV single solid yellow center line What is the function ?Center yellow single solid line represents vehicular overtaking across the line , pressure lane or turning left .Fifteen , single solid yellow line road edge What


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