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    1、Part1基础巩固单项选择。()1.was Mary who picked up the wallet. (江西宜春中考模拟)A.He B.She C.They D.It( ) 2. It was at the parkI first met Coco. (四川成都中考模拟)A.which B.where C.that D.what() 3. When was ityou met your friend? (黑龙江绥化期中)A. the time B.which C.where D.that( ) 4. It is Iagainst the plan, because it sounds im

    2、possible to carry out.(江苏南京月考)A.that is B.who am C.who are D.that are() 5. It was because I like youI speak out frankly. (云南昭通期末)A.that B.why C.because D.who( ) 6.It was on the beachPrincess Pip built a sand castle with Daisy.(四川成都期中)A.that B.where C.which D. on where( ) 7. It was not until she had

    3、finished all her work. (广东东莞中考)A. did she return B. that she returnedC. when she returned D. that did she return() 8. It was not until she came to see usher mother was ill in bed.(宁波中考模拟)A. when we knew B. that did we knew C.that we knew D. that did we know() 9. It was because I was caught in the tr

    4、affic jamI came to school late thismorning. (山东聊城中考模拟) A.which B.when C.what D.that()10. It was in 1969the American astronaut succeeded in landing on themoon. (安徽合肥开学检测)A.that B.which C.in which D.when( ) 11. It was when we were returning homeI realized what a good feeling itwas to have helped someo

    5、ne in trouble. (宁波中考模拟)A.which B.that C. where D.how() 12. It was in the factory where he was workingI met him.(山东威海期中)A.that B.which C.where D.in which() 13.- It was theyhelped us out of danger.- What brave and helpful children! We should learn from them.(山东枣庄模拟)A.which B.what C.who D.why() 14. It

    6、was not untiltogether for a couple of weeksI found we hada lot in common. (江苏如皋中考模拟)A. had we stayed; when B. we had stayed; that C.we had stayed; when D. had we stayed; that()15. It was not until I came hereI realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather. (宁波中考模拟)A.who

    7、 B.that C.where D.beforePart 2难点突破一、单项选择。() 1. Was it last summeryou and your friends went to Moscow?(四川成都二诊)A.when B.how C.which D.that() 2.It is not only his wonderful skills but also his warm personality(性格)_wona lot of praise(赞扬). (江苏南京期中) A. which has B. which have C.that has D.that have() 3. B

    8、ach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th centuryhis musicalgift was full recognized.(宁波中考模拟)A.while B.though C.that D.after() 4. - Is it in that factory“Red Flag cars are produced?-No, they are produced in our factory. (宁波中考模拟)A. in which B.where C.which D.that()5.It isSpanish is the ma

    9、in official language of Peru. (广东江门期中)A. for the reason why B. the reason why C.the reason that D. for the reason that()6.-Was it through the townhe drove the car at high speed?-Yes, thats too dangerous! (江苏淮安中考模拟) A.what B.which C.that D.where() 7. It was in the bank in our neighborhooda robbery to

    10、ok place yesterday.(浙江宁波竞赛)A.where B.that C.when D.how() 8. It was the culture, rather than the language,made it hard for him to getused to the new life abroad. (江苏中考) A. where B.why C.that D.what()9. It is not until all the fish died in the riverhow serious the pollution was.(广东广州期中)A. did the vill

    11、agers realize B. that the villagers realizedC. the villagers did realize D. didnt the villagers realize() 10. Find the RIGHT one in the following sentences? (江苏南京月考)A. It was not the ice and cold killed the men.B. It was 8, 000 tins of food they ate them killed the men.C. It was pollution what 160 p

    12、eople died from in London in 1991. D. It was I that found the mystery in Malta.二、连词成句。1. It, at, usually, I, who, up, get, is, six (.)(江苏南通期中)2. that, is, a, river, staying, It, on, is, boat, the (.)(江苏宿迁期中) 3. is, football, that, will, match, be, a, It, held (.)(江苏宿迁期中)4. fly, with, It, my, often,

    13、who, is, friends, I, kites (.)(甘肃定西期中)5. is, helpful, she, is, very, It, home, at, who (.)(江西南昌期末)三、句子改错。下面各句画线部分只有一处错误,圈出并改正。1.Itisricethatmy friend Judylikevery much. (贵州铜仁期末) A B C D2.Itisin the officethatLilys motherhavelunch. (贵州铜仁期末) A B C D3.Itislast yearwhichmy sisterboughtthe toy. (贵州铜仁期末) A B C D4.Itisat a theatrewheremy fatherworksas an actor. (四川广安期中) A B C D5.Itwashewhowerepraised by Miss Wang for correcting mistakes carefully. (陕


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