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    1、Part 1基础巩固单项选择。( ) 1. I like fruitI dont like vegetables. (黑龙江齐齐哈尔期末)A.and B.but C.or D.if( ) 2. She was tired,she continued her work. (天津中考英语)A. so B.until C.but D.that( ) 3. Work hard and be patient,_your dream wont come true.(吉林长春中考)A.or B.and C.but D.so( ) 4. The school is far from her home,she

    2、has to live at school.(山东聊城中考)A.so B.but C.or D.and( ) 5. Theres a lot of litter in the park,theyre going to collect it (广西柳州中考)A. but B.or C.so D.and( ) 6. The glasses are in fashionthey dont look good on me.(上海松江中考模拟)A.but B.so C. and D.or( ) 7. I have to study too muchI dont get enough sleep. (湖南

    3、岳阳中考)A.but B.so C.or D.and( ) 8. I have a computer,I dont play computer games on it.(黑龙江齐齐哈尔期中)A. also B.and C.but D.or( ) 9. The train was late,we had to wait for half an hour. (四川泸州中考)A. because B.or C.so D.for( )10. I think science is difficult,I like it very much. (安徽安庆期末)A.but B.so C.because D.

    4、and( ) 11. He _have a sister,_he_a brother.(福建福州期中)A. doesnt; but; has B. doesnt; and; haveC.dont; but; haveD.dont; and; has( ) 12. The toys are really old,I still want to keep them.(河北邯郸中考模拟)A.or B.and C. but D.so( ) 13. We didnt finish off all the food we ordered,we took the rest home.(上海虹口期末)A. a

    5、s B.so C.or D.for( ) 14. Hurry up,you will miss the flight. There istime left.(黑龙江牡丹江中考)A. or; little B.and; a little C.or; a little D.and; little( ) 15. Keep trying,you might surprisingly find hidden abilities within you.(湖南长沙中考) A.but B. and C.or D.soPart 2难点突破一、单项选择。( ) 1. Betty kept silent at fi

    6、rst_soon she joined the other girls, chatting andlaughing. (浙江温州中考) A. so B.but C.or D.because( ) 2.Lucy, dont turn off the computer before closing all programs,you couldhave problems. (江苏扬州中考模拟)A.or B.and C.but D.so( ) 3. Youd betterhard from now on,you will fail in the exam.(黑龙江大庆中考)A.work; and B.

    7、working; or C.working; and D.work;or( )4. A better future is the goal of the Chinese people,_its also the commoninterest of the world. (福建龙岩中考)A.so B.and C.but D.or( ) 5. Ive wanted to read Peter Pan for longtoday I finally borrowed the bookfrom the library.(江苏盐城中考)A.or B.but C.and D.since( )6.-What

    8、s the secret of success, Dr.Know?-More time and effort,youll make it some day. (湖北孝感中考)A.yet B.or C.and D.but( ) 7.-Be quick,well fail to catch the school bus.- Dont worry. Its only seven oclock now. We still have enough time.(湖北襄阳中考)A.and B.but C.or D.so( ) 8. Some may have thought that perhaps the

    9、 apple didnt have the apple smell,they didnt dare to speak up. (安徽蚌埠中考模拟)A. and B.so C. but D.or( ) 9.About 86,000 people took part in the march,_only about 7,000 were leftwhen they arrived in Shanxi. (四川南充中考)A.though B. because C. so D.but( ) 10. There are some things that you can get with force,_t

    10、here are other thingslike love and respect that only come with the gentleness of a soft breath.(辽宁辽阳中考)A. but B.and C.unless D.if二、改写句子。根据要求改写句子,每空一词。1. Although he was very tired, he went on working.(改为同义句) (海南昌江期中)He was very tired,he went on working.2. The boy came to school late because he studi

    11、ed too late.(改为同义句)(云南邵通期末)The boy studied too late,he came to school late.3. Were taking the plane. Its a long way.(合并为一句) (山东潍坊期中)Its a long waywere taking the plane.4.I dont like salad. John likes salad.(合并为一句) (黑龙江哈尔滨期末)I dont like saladJohn likes salad5. Geography is important for us. You must

    12、do well in it.(合并为一句)(江苏无锡期中)Geography is important for usyou must do well in it.三、完成句子。根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. I know smoking is bad for my health,(但是)I just cant give it up.(江苏盐城期中)2. Im too busy,(所以)I cant play tennis with you. (山西朔州月考)3. Look left and right before you cross the road,(否则)you may be

    13、hit by acar. (吉林长春月考)4.(不但)do the waiters in the restaurant serve the people comfortably,(而且)the food there is delicious. (吉林白城月考)5. People use dollars in America(而)people use pounds in England.(广西南宁期中)第七章并列句答案Part 1基础巩固1.B。本题考查but连接的并列句。分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是“我喜欢水果,但不喜欢蔬菜”,前后是转折关系。A“和,并且”,B“但是”, C“或者;否则”,D“如果”,故答案为B选项。2.C。本题考查but连接的并列句。so“所以”,表示结果; until“直到”,引导时间状语: but“但是”,表转折;that引导从句,在句子中没有实在的意义。根据句意能判断出前后两句是转折关系,所以用but,故答案为C选项。3.A。本题考查or连接的并列句。句意为:“要努力工作,要有耐心,否则你的梦想不会实现。”or“或者;否则”,and“和,并且”,but“但是”,so“所以”。这是“祈使句+or


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