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    1、1 I like music so much, so I want to be a m_ when I grow up (长大).2 Miss Li can sing. She can a_ play the piano.3 She u_ watches TV with her grandmother.4 I often b_ my teeth after I have dinner.5 There are s_ minutes in an hour.6 About three h_ students in our school go to school by bike.7 Your fath

    2、er is sleeping, so you must be q_.8 Li Yings d_ is to be a teacher.9 The kitchen is so d_. Mike, go and clean it!10 Little Jason will f_ like a tiger if other boys take away his favorite toys.11 Many animals are in great d_. We must try to help them.12 The pandas are in great d_, so we should save t

    3、hem.13 Jane is a s_ girl. She doesnt like to talk to people.14 Tom t_ us English.15 She is Chinese, but she s_ English very well.16 There isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so its like any o_ night for her and his host family.17 In Harbin, its very cold in w_.18 W_comes after autumn.19 China is

    4、a great c_ with a long history.20 The restaurant is b_the hotel and the bank.21 The bank is a_from the library.22 I want to send a letter. Is there a p_ office near here?23 Mom is f_ this afternoon, so she can play with us.24 This pair of shoes is too small for me. Please show me a_ pair.25 Does tha

    5、t woman have long c_ hair?26 Lisa is not tall or short. She is of medium h_.27 This T-shirt is too small. Can you show me a_ one?28 Lily has short curly hair, but her sister has long s_ hair.29 How many p_ are turning around the sun?30 We have to wear school u_ at school from Monday to Friday.31 In

    6、China, it is getting p_ to have birthday cakes.32 In China, it is getting p_ to have cakes on your birthday.33 About 68% of students d_ with the opinion that reading is boring.34 This bike is so e_ that I have to buy a cheaper one.35 The g_ can tell you how to get to the top of the mountain.36 Today

    7、 is Tuesday and y_ was Monday.37 It is good for you to take a s_ walk after dinner.38 Tomorrow is Sunday. Dont w_ me up too early and I want to sleep.39 We hear things with our e_.40 What h_ to Mr. Green last night? He was badly ill and was sent to the hospital.41 I saw a big m_ in the sky tonight.4

    8、2 You should not s_ at her. She is only 3 years old.43Scott b_ his teeth after he gets up.44Tom usually does his h _ first after school.45My father likes watching football games on w_ at home.46December is the t_ month of a year.47My brothers favorite s_ is science.48 There is a bank on Center Stree

    9、t. Its a_ from the park.49Anna often gets up very _ (快地).50My school _(图书馆) is very big.51Twenty and eighty is one _ ( 百 ).52There are no_(桥) over the rivers.53My uncle _ (锻炼) in the park on weekends.54We can listen to music o_ .55Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms d_ zongzi.56My

    10、sister is five years old. She can get d_ .57Our teachers are s_ with us.58Jim brushes his t_ every morning.59 The two m_ play the violin very well.60 The noise w_ me up and then I had to stay up late to watch the football game.61 It was raining hard, so they d_ to stay in the hotel and enjoyed an TV

    11、 show.62_ (数以百计的)of people visit Xiamen every year.63Who is the_ (班长)in your class?64He visited the London Eye_ (在期间)his stay in England.65The boy is clever. He can make the_ (机器)work.66What is the _ (优点)of usingwechat?67It is_/ strend / that she didnt come to the party.68He _ / prmist / not to be l

    12、ate again.69Many tourists go _/ saitsi: / in those places.70You must pay attention to the _ / trfik / lights when you drive a car.71We can see many old things on show in a _/ mjuzik /.72 There are f_ (四十) students sitting in the hall.73 My sister often w_(看)TV on Saturday evening.74 He f_ (完成) his h

    13、omework at 6:00 p.m. every day.75 The restaurant near our school has all kinds of d_ (美味的) foods for everyone.76W_ (是什么)this in English ?77 I dont think man-made w_ (奇观) are more exciting than natural ones.78 The v_ (村民 ) in the countryside are kind and friendly.参考答案:1(m)usician【详解】句意:我非常喜欢音乐,所以我长大后想成为一名音乐家。根据“I like music so much”可知,长大后想成为一名音乐家;musician“音乐家”,名词;由空前的“a”可知,此处要用名词单数。故填(m)usician。2(a)lso【详解】句意:李老师会唱歌。她也会弹钢琴。根据首字母a及空格位于实义动词play前,可知此处应填入副词also表示“也”。故填(a)lso。3(u)sually【详解】句意:她通常和祖母一起看电视。句子时态是一般现在时,表示经常的动作或习惯,结合首字母u可知,频度副词usually“通常”符合语境,故填(u)sually。


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