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    1、Underwater Astonishment-Ted英语演讲稿范文 Were going to go on a dive to the deep sea, and anyone thats had that lovely opportunity knows that for about two and half hours on the way down, its a perfectly positively pitchblack world。 And we used to see the most mysterious animals out the windowthat you coul

    2、dnt describe: these blinking lights a world of bioluminescence, like fireflies。 Dr。 Edith Widder shes now at the Ocean Research and Conservation Association was able to come up with a camera that could capture some of these incredible animals, and thats what youre seeing here on the screen。 好了,我们即将潜

    3、入海底深处。 任何一个有过这种美妙机会的人都知道 在这两个半小时的下降过程中, 是一个完全漆黑的世界。 我们透过窗户会看见世界上各种最神秘的动物, 各种无法形容的动物。这些闪亮着的光, 完美地构成了如萤火虫般发光的世界。 研究保护协会的Edith Witter博士 发明了一种照相机, 这种照相机可以拍下这些令人难以置信的生物。 这就是你现在在屏幕上看到的。 Thats all bioluminescence。 So, like I said: just like fireflies。 Theres a flying turkey under a tree。 (Laughter) Im a ge

    4、ologist by training。 But I love that。 And you see, some of the bioluminescence they use to avoid being eaten, some they use to attract prey, but all of it, from an artistic point of view, is positively amazing。 And a lot of what goes on inside 。 theres a fish with glowing eyes, pulsating eyes。 Some

    5、of the colors are designed to hypnotize, these lovely patterns。 And then this last one, one of my favorites, this pinwheel design。 Just absolutely amazing, every single dive。 他们全部都是生物发光体。像我说的,就像萤火虫一样。 这是个会飞的火鸡,在树下。(笑声) 我知道我现在像是个实习期的地质学家,不过我就是喜欢。 你可以看到这些生物发出的光, 有些是为了避免被吃掉。 有些又是为引诱食物上钩。 尽管如此,用艺术的角度来看,

    6、这些都如此神奇。 再来看看这里发生了些什么 这条鱼有着会发光,闪烁的眼睛。 有些颜色则可以催眠。 多么有趣的图案。这是最后一个: 也是我的最爱,像转轮一样的设计。 每一次潜水都充满着惊喜。 Thats the unknown world, and today weve only explored about 3 percent of whats out there in the ocean。 Already weve found the worlds highest mountains, the worlds deepest valleys, underwater lakes, underwa

    7、ter waterfalls a lot of that we shared with you from the stage。 And in a place where we thought no life at all, we find more life, we think, and diversity and density than the tropical rainforest, which tells us that we dont know much about this planet at all。 Theres still 97 percent, and either tha

    8、t 97 percent is empty or just full of surprises。 这正是一个未知的世界。到今天为止,我们只探索了其中的极小部分, 大约只占了所有海洋的3%。 到现在,我们已经发现了世界上最高的山峰, 最深的峡谷, 水下湖,水下瀑布, 还有我们刚才看到的。 然而,恰是我们曾经以为根本不可能有生命的地方, 我们发现了众多的生物,还有它们的密度和多样性, 都超过了热带雨林。这告诉我们 我们实际上对自己的星球还不甚了解。 还有剩下的97%,那里要不就是一片荒芜,要不就是充满惊喜。 But I want to jump up to shallow water now an

    9、d look at some creatures that are positively amazing。Cephalopods headfoots。 As a kid I knew them as calamari, mostly。 (Laughter) This is an octopus this is the work of Dr。 Roger Hanlon at the Marine Biological Lab and its just fascinating how cephalopods can, with their incredible eyes, sense their

    10、surroundings, look at light, look at patterns。 Heres an octopus moving across the reef, finds a spot to settle down, curls up and then disappears into the background。 Tough thing to do。 不过我现在还是想说说浅水里的世界, 来看看那些神奇的生物。 头足类动物,有头有角。小时候我把他们当作是枪乌贼。 这是一条章鱼。 这是来自Roger Hanlon博士,海洋生物实验室的成果。 这些头足类动物真令人着迷, 它用它们的

    11、眼睛,它们那难以置信的眼睛来观察周围的环境, 看光,看图案。 这有只章鱼正在穿过礁石。 找到一个位置,停下来,卷起,然后马上消失在背景之中。 这很难做到。 In the next bit, were going to see a couple squid。 These are squid。 Now males, when they fight, if theyre really aggressive, they turn white。 And these two males are fighting, they do it by bouncing their butts together, w

    12、hich is an interesting concept。 Now, heres a male on the left and a female on the right, and the male has managed to split his coloration so the female only always sees the kinder gentler squid in him。 And the male 。 (Laughter) Were going to see it again。 Lets take a look at it again。 Watch the colo

    13、ration: white on the right, brown on the left。 He takes a step back so hes keeping off the other males by splitting his body and comes up on the other side 。 Bingo! Now Im told thats not just a squid phenomenon with males, but I dont know。 (Laughter) 接下来,再来一起看一对鱿鱼。 这就是鱿鱼。当雄性鱿鱼搏斗时, 如果它们想要显示出自己的侵略性,它们就变为白色了。 这有两条雄鱿鱼在搏斗。 它们用撞屁股的方式来搏斗, 真是挺有意思的方法。这里有一条雄性在左边, 雌性在右边。 看,这条雄性能有办法利用颜色把自己分为两半, 所以雌性只能看到它温顺,优雅的一边, 雄性 (笑声)再来看一次。 让我们再看一次。注意它的颜色: 白色在右边,棕色在左边。 它后退一步,让其它的雄性无法靠近 来到另外一边,并且马上转换颜色。 瞧!以前有人告诉我 这个雄性特征不仅仅是在鱿鱼身上,不过我也不太确定。 (掌声)


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