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    1、(精华版)国家开放大学电大本科高级英语(2)形考网络课网考作业及答案(第三套) 课程总成绩=形成性考核X100% ;形考任务1 (40分);形考任务(30分);形考任务3 (30分)形考任务1题目1She crying when she got her exam results.选择一项:B. burst out题目2“I was getting up when I heard a crash. ” This sentence means: 选择一项:D. r d just turned the alarm clock off.题目3A: They should serve vegetaria

    2、n food in the school canteen.B: Thats a good point. I that.选择一项:B. d never thought of题目4 to the dentist, he felt much better.选择一项:B. Having bMpv JF ” 7 X T-题目 5初 V Vt Vz Kz V/ KJ AL the light, she left the room.选择一项:B. Turning off题目6r m glad I saw that film, it really .选择一项:A. cheered me up题目7Have y

    3、ou got any aspirin? The anaesthetic is 选择一项:B. wearing off my mouth题目8 of having ratings for so many different age groups.选择一项:A. I really dont see the point题目9 admit that most people are not interested in being informed.选择一项:A. You have to题目ioMany people are worried about the effect of on local cul

    4、ture.选择一项:B. globalization题目11I sometimes feel as if Toby isn t even aware of my 选择一项:D. existence题目12I wonder what qualifications you need to be a business 选择一项:C analyst题目13r d lend you my car if I it to be serviced.选择一项:C- hadn,t taken题目14I riding a motorbike in this weather if I were you.选择一项:B.

    5、 wouldnt risk题目15When the police started asking questions, Joe felt to tell the truth.选择一项:A. compelled题目16Cherie seems quiet, but she can be very entertaining when thetakes her.选择一项:A. mood题目17Once the press find out his secret, he 11 never live it .选择一项:C. down题目18Hundreds of species are thought t

    6、o be dying every day.选择一项:D. out题目19r d really like to be a photographer and spend the day taking photographs!选择一项:C- whole题目20This newspapers full of photographs and advertising: there,s real news.选择一项:B. very little形考任务2请同学们从以下口语交流任务中,选择一个口语任务,按照要求在白己的手机或者电脑上进行录音,然后将录制好的 音频文件上传到课程平台。辅导教师根据口语任务的完成质

    7、量,给予相应分数。口语交流任务:1. Work in pairs and role play the conversations. Then record your conversation.(1) You, Student A, want to buy two tickets for Romeo and Juliet next Friday. Phone Student B, who works at the theatre box office, and ask what tickets are available. Ask him/her for clarification when n

    8、ecessary.(2) You, Student B, work in a video library. Answer Student A s questions, using the following information: When joining, people must provide some ID and proof of address. Members can borrow up to five DVDs at one time. Overdue DVDs will each incur a fine of 50p a day. Membership can be ter

    9、minated at the discretion of the library staff.(Unit 2 / SPEAKING AND LISTENINGSorry, youve lost me there)提示:本任务可通过在线文字转语音网站(Mtg: 据混据。顼)进行英语转语音,完成后点击下载即可。最后把合成后的mp3文件上传到任务二当中。D文宇转音在线一键转换Is it a waste of time and money to be fashionable? Record your opinions on the topic andjustify the已痢入100字/还洗再偷入0字

    10、斤制奂立即下裁形考任务3请同学们从以下写作任务中,选择一个写作任务,按照要求在自己的电脑上进行写作,然后将写好的内容上传到课程平台。辅导教师根据写作任务的完成质量,给予相应分数。写作任务:1. Read the information and follow the instructions. Write a letter.An English person recently came to your school to give a talk (what was the talk about?). He/She left a personal possession (what is it?)

    11、at the school (where exactly?). You want to return the possession (how will you return it?) but you have had difficulty contacting the person (how have you tried to contact him/her?). You have a possible address for the person, but you,re not sure if it,s correct (why?). Write a letter to the person

    12、.(1) Thank them for coming to give the talk.(2) Explain the situation.(3) Ask them to contact you.(Unit 2 /Writing一Some real practice on communicating)答案如下:(新建一个word文档,把下面文字复制到新建的文档中,最后把该文档上到任务三中)A letter to an EnglishmanDear Mr Jack,1 m glad to write to you and thank you for giving us a wonderful s

    13、peech on how to learn English well. I m also writing to tell you that you left your bag on the desk in the hall during your speech. 1 d like to return it to you as soon as possible, but I don t know your address or your company.I got in touch with your office but you were out and I spoke to your sec

    14、retary, who said that it belonged to your own possession and advised me to send it to where you live. She gave me your address and I will send your bag to you as soon as possible.Thank you again for spending your valuable time for us students at our school and I regret to be unable to return your ba

    15、g as possible as I can.Yours sincerelyZhouyangXT高级英语(2)课程基于网络考试的考核说明2020年03月一、考核对象国家开放大学开放教育本科英语专业与商务英语专业学生。二、启用时间从2020年3月开始使用。三、考核目标本课程的考核目标主要体现在以下两个方面:1. 语言知识语法与功能:学生应能基本掌握并恰当运用所学的基本语法知识和语言功能(详见:高级英语(2)教学大纲)。词汇认知:总认知词汇达到45005500个,正确而熟练地运用其中的25003500个及其最基本的搭配。2. 语言运用学生能够读懂与高级英语(2)(国家开放大学出版社,原中央广播电视大学出版社)文字教材中课文难度相当的短 文等;能够书写常用的应用文、记叙文与议论文。四、考核依据本课程考核的内容依据是国家开放大学“高级英语(2)课程教学大纲”和高级英语(2)教材中的内容。五、考核方式及计分方法考核的综合成绩(总成绩)由形成性考核成绩与


    本文(40;精华版41;国家开放大学电大本科高级英语2形考网络课网考作业及答案40;第三套41;.docx)为本站会员主动上传,启牛文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即阅读启牛文库网的“版权提示”【网址:https://www.wojuba.com/h-37.html】,按提示上传提交保证函及证明材料,经审查核实后我们立即给予删除!

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