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    1、2160)国家开放大学电大专科综合英语(3)2020-2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:1 Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Bcncuth each of the followlnx sentences, there lire four choices murked A. K C and !. Choose the one (hat bnt compictes the sentence Murk your aruwer on lhe ANSWER SHEET. (20 polnti)Examples Thr Aornr/rss coupleat /as i

    2、n finding a flat to rent.A. manand H. didC. finiihdD tuccftdedThe irntencif thtiuld rttad * The homelrsi couple mcctfdfd at last tn /im/mg a flat to rent. H Therefore you should choosr D.Next time you hnvr n headache rushing (o the drugMorc, yuu might wantto try one of these noturnl remrdieRtA. repl

    3、ace oftlinmend ofC. without regard toIXinform of2. He is one of the moltrock climbern in the whole town.A. experiencedKexplainedC. explodedIXexpenmented3. Hethe bottle he put on concentrnteND. conhneM5. Fifteen in a littlr younx to a serious long distance relationfthqhA. put up withB. be pressed int

    4、oC. be convinced of11 be involved in6. When it waa all overt both men spoke g i( there n Kerioi problem.A. isn*tB. hadnt beenQ hAvrn*t beenD. w 心 nt7. Hy the time you 一 in Beijitw.dinner with Mom und Dud ntA. nrrive will be havingIt arrived will hove( will arrive will hnve& Hr no eiirk today that he

    5、 does notAnything to ent.A. feel to like havingG (eel like to huveD. fee! like having9. Can you tell mea post office nrxir here?A. where la thereFL that is thereC if there isD. what there is10. Not onlypets, they made them do strange things tor their rnieruinmcnuA. kept rich peoplerich people did ke

    6、epC. did rich people keepD. rich people keptII ClozeDirrctiomit For each numbered bliink in the following passage# there are four choices marked A, B C and D. Choose the best onr and nurk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 poind)When you read n story in English do you read it for the story or for

    7、the English? Thig t a qurstion that is not ho foolish 11 it may ecm. For I find that many tudcnu of English pay far more attention to the story than to the English. They read nnd enjoy and (or a long rime 12 remember the tttory but do not care to siudy ihr use of words and phraE in it. For inMance9

    8、they keep the memory of 13 thr eternnl triangle is solvedt but do not remember a single sentence in the story and cannot tell what preposition is used before or after u 14 word in the speech of a ccrtnin chnrRCtcn()1 course its all right to read And 15 and remember a story, and bo long ns one wants

    9、to know the story only, one needs not 16 aboui the UnguHKe The camc K quite different with n student of Enliiih. I mean h stucicni as distinguished from a student of Mtanea or 17 in called the gmernl reader.As you may also have gathered from the above, you ought to read very carefullye Not only very

    10、 carefully but aloudt and that Again and again 】8_ you know the passage by heart and can recite it as if it were your own. Positively this will teach you many 19 words and phraaes; negatively it will help you to avoid many errors and faults in expression. Incidenrallyv I have found from experience t

    11、hat intelligent copying is an aid to 20 by heart 11.A.thatB.(: thanD. as if12.A.afterwardsB.latelyC. UtterD. mere13.A.whenB.whereC whmD. how14.A.simpleKsingleQ onlyD. certain15.A.enjoyB.ignoreC comprehend【). realise16.A.botherRworryC concernD. trouble17.A.whichB.whatC thatD1318. A. iiinreB. forC til

    12、lIX while19. A Reading ComprvhcmiionDirccthmsi butch of the p&Miges below h followed by Mime quMtlonx. For each question Ihm re four answer% marked A B C and I). Read the pasMagcsi carvfully und chmmc thr bct nnwcr to each ot (he qucutions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 point*) Questions

    13、 21 25 urc on the followingDeep inidc a mountain nenr Sweetwater in E/im( Tennessee ir a body of water known am thr Lout Sca It i limed by the (iuinne Book of World Records 心 the world、 underground lke The Lost Sen in pnrt of nn rxtrnmvc nnd Inntoric cove nylcm called Craighead CaverriB arrowheadst weapons and jewelry.For many years there were persistent rumors of a large underground lake somewhere in a eave, but it was not discovered unt


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