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    1、(精华版)国家开放大学电大本科高级英语(1)形考网络课网考作业及答案(第一套)课程总成绩=形成性考核X100% ;形考任务1 (40分);形考任务(30分);形考任务3 (30分)形考任务1题目1At the moment, I lots of new friends.选择一项:D. m making题目2People often a club to make new friends.选择一项:A. joinB. joinsC. are joiningD. arenJ t joining题目3I phoned them last night but no one answered. They

    2、(be) out.选择一项:C. must have been题目4He be hungry - he,s just had lunch.选择一项:D. cant题目5The best game to buy is Alien Control 3 or Virtual History.选择一项:B. either题目6We only had before the final.选择一项:B. three days, rest题目7I buying her a cookery book for her birthday.选择一项:D. thought about题目8This is probabl

    3、y the dead wallet.选择一项:D. soldier,s题目9the band at the Rock Garden before?选择一项:C- Has played题目10a deal with.They which record company to sign选择一项:A. havent decided题目11When he crashed the car, hesixbottles of beer.选择一项:C. had drunk题目12When her brother wasin prison, shehim every month.选择一项:C. visited题目

    4、13You buy a seasonticket but a daily ticket is more expensive.选择一项:C. dont have to题目14Youtell anyoneits a secret!选择一项:C. mustn,t题目15Hurry up! Theya group meeting in Room 6 soon.选择一项:B. are having 题目16Mrs. Porter,s heart is very weak and she is very ill. The doctors say she die soon.选择一项:B. s going t

    5、o题目17The motelby the Lewis family in the 1950s.选择一项:D. was started题目18Today, the motelby members of the same family.选择一项:C. is managed题目19She told me that shea car since 1990.选择一项:D. hadn,t driven题目20Darren said , I dont know how it happened. ”Darren said (that).(变成间接引语)选择一项:B. he didn,t know how it

    6、 had happened形考任务2请同学们从以下口语交流任务中,选择一个口语任务,按照要求在自己的手机或者电脑上进行录音,然后将录制好的 音频文件上传到课程平台。辅导教师根据口语任务的完成质量,给予相应分数。口语交流任务:1. Is it a waste of time and money to be fashionable? Record your opinions on the topic and justify them with the phrases you learned in Unit 1.(Unit 1/ Speaking and listening一Youth groups

    7、.)2. A 15-year-oId boy bullied other children and stole their money and valuables. He insulted teachers and tried to burn down the school. As a result, he was suspended for three weeks. Do you agree or disagree on the punishment given to him? Record your opinions.(Unit 3 /Speaking and Listeninguilty

    8、!)3. Prepare a presentation on the topic: How will global warming change the way we live in the future? Giveat least 3 points in your presentation.(Unit 5/ Speaking and listening-Presentation)4. What animals do you like best? Why? Record the reasons you like the animal. Eg. I prefer cats - I think t

    9、hey re very independent; they always do what they want.(Unit 6 /Grammar and reading一-Those crazy humans!)提示:本任务可通过在线文字转语音网站(http-: texr2voire/)进行英语转语音,完成后点 击下载即可。最后把合成后的mp3文件上传到任务二当中。D文音时一键转换Is it a waste of time and money to be fashionable? Record your opinions on the topic and Justify the已辐入100字r还

    10、旎再输入馈形考任务3请同学们从以下写作任务中,选择一个写作任务,按照要求在自己的电脑上进行写作,然后将写好的内容上传到课程平台。辅导教师根据写作任务的完成质量,给予相应分数。写作任务:Choose a fashion or style that is popular with a group of people in our country. Write a description ofabout 200 - 250 words.Paragraph 1:Mention theclothes, accessories and make-up they usually wear.Paragraph

    11、 2:Mention thekind of music they listen to.Paragraph 3:Mention howthey typically spend their free time.(Unit 1 /Vocabulary and Writing一fashion trends)Write a letter to a friend with some personal news. Hints :Note down a) the most important things that have happened in your life recently, b) what yo

    12、u want to findout about your friend s life.Organize your notes into paragraphs.Use vocabulary from Letter C.Write a first draft and then give it to a classmate to check it for errors.Write the finished version of your letter.(Unit 2 / WritingPersonal Letters)3. Talk about an anti-social behavior (反社

    13、会行为)that you dislike the most. You may use the words just learned.Here are some tips for you to follow: (1) what is the behavior? (2)what are the harms it may cause to individuals and the society? (3) what do you think can be done to prevent it?(Unit 3 / Vocabularyrimes vs. Justice / vocabulary)4. a

    14、Adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people s lives. ” Write an essay giving arguments for and against this statement and also state your own opinion.(Unit 4/ Writing一 Girls and boys should be taught in separate schools. 一for and against essay) 答案如下:(新建一个word文档,把下而文字复制到新建的文档中,最后把该文档上到任务三中)Unit 1 fashion trendsFashion trendsNow young people like Korean clothes, The rise of Korean fashion culture lights up the whole Asian fashion circle. Korean people have a thorough analysis of the popularity of Europe and the United States, and can quickly digest into th


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