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    1、国家开放大学电大人文英语22020期末试题及答案(试卷号:3937)交际用语(我针IC分,每小分)话内容逸择恰肖的逸攻;1. - The Internet i magic. Can we get everything fmm it?A. Ye*, you arc absolutely right. B. Yes. 1 totally agree with you.C Well# it is impoMible voice ?C accent7, A successful cover tetter will make a great 一 一 :. A progress (: B. impreio

    2、n ;;C contribuiion8* Im f _ because there re o many options I c*n*t make decision.;A puttied A excited -C. depressed9. As long as the learners have to a digiml device which b linked up to theinternet, they can enioy browsing pages or wwtrhing video lectures.5 A* access涎t meansQ way10. A double room

    3、with a bakony overlooking the sea bad been 一 for him.;A rMervedrB deservedC- conservedIL The cover letter will be een first. _il must be very well written.A. However :B* Betide*C, Therefore12a H you take theto learn a new skilL you will grasp it quickly.A* inhhting 土氏 imtUtiveG mitiaiion13. We look

    4、forward toto hi,wedding ceremony.A camecomeQ coiningH, A one of family members Lisa who p*y a 一: of the rentt electricity and phone bills.N part ;BC. xhre15, You should stopothers down and learn from them.A turning & writingC. puttinff16.1 don*! regret “ ,_ the concert yesterday becsiUMe of my baby*

    5、s Grtt birthday.:A. missing薄 to missyG miss17. A car accident may happen when youa parking Rpare.: A looked for 桦B. look forC are looking for18. If I the mayor of the city. I would introduce severe punisihmcnt for crimes.am.B. wereC was19.1 shouldAlex this morning but I forgot.A. phoneBw phoned :C h

    6、ave phoned20. The Chinese Red Cross contributed asum to the relief of the physicallydiMblcd.A. generalB. genuine ;C. generous三、筒读理解(共计40分,爵小H 4分)21-25 g:)读下列短文,从A、H、C三个选项中逸出一个正砺答案。The first year of school in Amenca, known as kindergartener JLGO) usually begins between rhe ages of five and six. Among

    7、 rich countries such a late start is very AtTange. President Obami believes it k nn economic and acil problem i hit education secretary goes u far as to say that if i * morally wrong. This statement ha& some support a& it is clear From rcirarch into vocabulary that younxters from poor families enter

    8、 kindergnnen well behind thoc from richdiMidvantage that usually lasts alifetime. Children from househoMa on welfare knew 525 words by the age of three* while the children of profeswtonals had mistered 1.116.Pre-school can help dose this gap. So in a Mperrh monrh, Mr. Obuma ealled for a prtner%hip b

    9、etween the Fedrnil government and the Mates to expand it to every Americanchild. It biter became known that *every* meant those who come from families with mcomrs of up to 200% above the poverty line-equal to an income of $ 47tOOO for a family of four.Some cHtioi怦论家)wiy tlwt sending children to scho

    10、cl t the age of four does not work. The evidence suggests otherwise. For example, on March 20th new reu|t9 were announced from study of 9 to 11 year olda in New Jersey. Thin report found thjit disadvantaged children who had attended pre-school had better literacy读写能力, language* math and science skiH

    11、s. And two years of pre kindergarten were better than one.Some Mtudie* also follow the effects of erly learning over lifetimes* such as its effect on crime rate* and other factors that m&y eventually burden soaeiy. Critica have tingled out a governmen! scheme ealied Head Surt created in 】965, which

    12、provides poor households with a range of services including school*based early education.21. The kindergarten m other rich countries usually beginsthan in AmennuA. earlierB hterG slower22, Which i TRUE about the vocabulary ite of the R. Rich pre-tebool kids have a hrxer vocabubiry than poor onea.C. There is no obvious diHerence between the iwo group/ of kids.23- Which of the following about he New Jersey study if TRUE?A. There is no evidence to support the New Jersey tudy.B. Two years of pre kindergarten were better than one.C. Sending children to school at the age of four is not ffoing to


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