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    1、全国2007年10月高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题课程代码:00794请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上本试卷共9页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。I用适当语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)1. When I arrived at the hospital, he in the emergency room.A. was being treatedB. was treatedC. had been treatingD. had been being treated2. They have just

    2、bought a new villa sitting room, you can see a huge garden.A. from theB. whoseC. from whoseD. with a3. After he regained consciousness, he seemed about the car crash.A. to forget completelyB. to have completely forgottenC. forgetting completelyD. having completely forgotten4. The father thought it w

    3、orthwhile to invest in their daughters education the mother considered it a waste of money.A. howeverB. yetC. ifD. while5. I dont think complaining can solve the problem, ?A. can itB. cant itC. do ID. dont I6. any foreign language and having no special skills, he finds it hard to get a job in this v

    4、ery competitive world.A. Knowing notB. Knowing noC. Not knowingD. Having known no7. Up to now, he has taken part in five English contests, in he was the winner.A. every oneB. each oneC. every of whichD. each of which8. At no time of giving up and accepting the unfair treatment.A. did she ever thinkB

    5、. she ever thoughtC. did she think everD. she thought ever9. You should discuss your idea with your classmates because just it to someone else helps you sort it out for yourself.A. have to explainB. having to explainC. have explainedD. having explained10. Its hard to notice whether a painting has be

    6、en turned upside down _it is an abstract modern painting.A. whenB. thoughC. unlessD. for11. Swimmers are required_ or make loud noises when they are in the swimming pool.A. to not diveB. to diveC. not to diveD. not diving12. Mother is cooking something in the kitchen. From that familiar smell, I kno

    7、w it _be roast beef.A. mightB. canC. couldD. must13. You cant go to Australia this afternoon you dont mind a stopover in Singapore.A. ifB. unlessC. becauseD. until14. _ to land on the island several times, the pilot sent a radio message to the headquarters to ask for help.A. Having failedB. FailingC

    8、. Had failedD. Failed15. Nothing satisfies his curiosity _ reading a detective story by that famous writer.A. much moreB. as much asC. more thanD. most than16. That his aunt Ada could ever have been considered pretty seemed _ belief.A. offB. beyondC. out ofD. without17. The name began with a B, thou

    9、gh he couldnt _ exactly what the name was.A. make ofB. make senseC. make upD. make out18. He was _ of a veiled curiosity in the taxi drivers eyes.A. conscientiousB. conspicuousC. consciousD. capable19. When marriages _, we have to put the interests of the children first.A. break downB. break upC. br

    10、eak offD. break out20. They are hoping this next round of talks will _ a settlement of the pay dispute.A. bring forthB. bring aboutC. bring upD. bring out21. The car wouldnt start, so we _ having to walk to the concert hall.A. resulted inB. finished withC. ended withD. ended up22. The woman decided

    11、to get her lawyer to _ a new will for her.A. drawB. draw onC. draw upD. draw out23. Something must be done to prevent some students from dropping out of schools simply _ lack of money.A. becauseB. because ofC. asD. as of24. No matter how experienced you are, you are to occasionally come across probl

    12、ems that youve never anticipated.A. aboutB. certainlyC. possiblyD. bound25. He died of pneumonia in prison six months after he began to _ his sentence.A. serveB. actC. makeD. do26. The members of the family were disturbed _ relieved by the news you brought them.A. less thanB. other thanC. rather tha

    13、nD. more than27. She didnt really want to train for the stage or to take up the profession seriously. She just wanted to show she could be .A. on herselfB. like herselfC. act herself D. on her own28. Fred doesnt like white coffee, nor does he like to put cream on his strawberries, because he prefers

    14、 them_.A. normalB. ordinaryC. plainD. simple29. The blind musician ran the _ of his fingers over the piano before he began to play.A. pointsB. tipsC. endsD. edges30. Our guess, that the managers would react _ to our decision, turned out to be wrong.A. utterlyB. stronglyC. extremelyD. actually认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。根据短文的内容从四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Passage 1 The train passed through a station and then it began suddenly to slow down, presumably in obedience to a signal. For some minutes it crawled along, then stopped; presently it began to move fo


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