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    1、专题 04 观点看法类 一、命题规律 分析全国近 5 年的中考真题可知,书面表达对“观点看法类”的话题考查比重仅次于“做法建议类” ,也是各地市高频考查方向。此类话题,通常在背景材料中说明某种“好/坏/新/”的现象,或以表格或图示展示不同人群的“不同或对立”的观点,由此让学生最终陈述自己的观点,并说明理由(注意理由要有理有据、条理清晰)。同时,该话题涉及的现象往往与热点话题(如:二孩政策、真人秀节目、 “低头族”等)结合,因此学生在平时的复习过程中也不要忽略这一方面。 二、好词好句积累 【开头句】 1. As for it , different students have different

    2、 thoughts. Some students stand by it, others are against it. As far as Im concerned, I think study trip is good for students, and here are my reasons. 2. Do you agree that your parents have a second child? Different students have different opinions about it. 3. Last week, we had a discussion about t

    3、he hot topic “To change or not”. I think different people have different choices to deal with problems. 4. I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life. 5. When they come across problems, they dont know what to do. The problem raises peoples attention. 6. We did a su

    4、rvey about middle school students weekend activities. Here are the results. 7. As students, what should we do to build our country? I think we should study hard to get rich knowledge so as to make contributions to our country. 8. I dont think grades are important. Students have different abilities a

    5、nd some of them cant be measured by grades, such as creativity, abilities to communicate and act. 9. Our class have had a discussion about whether we can use mobile phones. 10. I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life. 【中间句】 1. As for me, Id love to have a brothe

    6、r or sister as company, so that I can share my happiness and sorrow with him or her anytime. 2. There is no doubt that junk food is delicious and attractive, but it surely does harm to our body. 3. Whats more, do more outdoor activities. As long as you are busy with something interesting, you will m

    7、ore probablyget away from junk food. 4. In my opinion, those kids who are good at learning are able to manage their time very well. 5. From my opinion of view, we need to make some good friends so that we can learn from each other. 6. Instead of giving up, I chose to change. I tried my best to liste

    8、n to tapes and practice speaking every day. 7. On one hand, parents should give them proper suggestions, and give them more chances to make their own decisions. On the other hand, children shouldnt depend on their parents too much. 8. In order to produce enough vegetables and fruits, they are busy g

    9、rowing plants. 9. To start with, I wasnt good at English and seldom got high scores on the exams. 10. But some others dont think so. They think students shouldnt use mobile phones. 11. Whats more, they share the idea that teenagers aresupposed to make a good plan for future. 【结尾句】 1. In a word, both

    10、 the cock and the hen are useful. It is wrong for them to see their own use instead of seeing others use. 2. If everyone makes a contribution to building a green city, Ezhou will become a better place to live in. 3. Im sure a good balance between learning and playing can make a great contribution to

    11、 kids growth. 4. All in all, its very important for children to learn to be independent. 5. In a word, its our duty to make reading become a part of our life. 6. Sharing bikes bring people so many advantages, so lets protect them and follow the rules of using them. 7. All in all, grades can be a way

    12、 to measure students achievements in schoolwork. However, different interests and abilities can make a students a full man. 8. In my opinion, I think wed better not use mobile phones. We should spend more time on our study instead of using mobile phones. 9. In my opinion, we need to make some good f

    13、riends so that we can learn from each other. Also, we must be active and exercise more because keeping healthy is helpful toa successful life. 训练一 关于“说英语”问题,李华和他的英语老师 Miss Wang 持不同的观点。请你仔细阅读下图中的对话内容,从中选择一个角色,按照所给要求写一篇短文。 要求:(1)用“Li Hua”或“Miss Wang”补全短文首句; (2)写出所选角色的观点,并续写理由; (3)短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名或地名; (

    14、4)词数 80 个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 参考词汇: shy; make a mistake; believe in 【审题】 1. 本文写作围绕的话题是: “说英语” ,但是写作的关键是根据图片和要求,首先确定从谁的立场来阐述(注意:横线上先填所选角色,再续写理由); 2. 写作时,尽量从自己熟悉的人或事入手,以便展开叙述。同时注意写作时要结合图片中所给的对话提示,可适当发挥; 3. 选择的角色不同,人称的使用也不同。 【要点指导】 对“说英语”的看法 要点提示 素材串联 正文:阐述“我”的观点 1. 你的英语不好是因为你不说英语(poor, because)2. 说得越多,你的

    15、英语变得越好(the比较级.,the比较级.)3. 每天尽量多说英语(every day, as much as possible)4. 不要害羞或怕犯错误,你的老师和同学愿意帮你(be afraid of, make a mistake, be ready to)5. 重要的是,相信你自己,不要放弃(believe in yourself, never give up) 结尾:总结 记住:熟能生巧(practice makes perfect) 【范文 1】 I am Miss Wang. Your English is poor because you dont speak English

    16、. English, like any other language, is a tool of communication. The more you speak it, the better your English will become. So you should try to speak every day as much as possible. And dont be shy or afraid of making a mistake. Your teacher and classmates are always ready to help you. The most important thing is that you must believe in yourself and never give up! Always remember: practice makes perfect! 【范文 2】 I am Li Hua. I dont speak English because my English is poor. I find it hard to spea


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