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    2、歉应本着宽容的态度 对别人的赞美应表示谦虚 对别人的喜事表示祝贺 对别人的悲事应表示同情4、先易后难,通过排除也可以选出正确答案。三、考试场景应用1、见面(Greetings)Tom: Nancy! Is that you? Nancy: Hi, Tom!Tom: How are you? Its been ages! How are you getting along?Nancy: Im just fine.(1)_Tom: Of course not! But when I called your office the other day they told me you didnt wo

    3、rk there anymore.Nancy: Thats right. I was laid off.Tom: (2)_Nancy: Its okay. I was just thinking about leaving anyway.Tom: What are you doing these days?Nancy: (3) _Tom: Youre kidding! Well, congratulations!A.I opened my own company in Beijing.B.Oh that is too bad! Sorry to hear that.C.If you know

    4、I changed my job?2、介绍(Introduction)Tom: Here in the middle with the beautiful white hair is my mother. We call her Joy.Jane: (1)_Tom: Yeah, we always have. Here next to my mother on the left is Andrew, my father.Jane: With the glasses?Tom: Yeah, with the glasses and the bald head. Isnt he cute? Actu

    5、ally, he looks pretty good for someone 70 years old, dont you think?Jane: He sure does. And your mother (2)_Tom: No, shes five years younger. She turned 65 just last month.Jane: Does your father still work?Tom: No.(3)_A. Is she the same age?B. You call your parents by their first name?C.Hes retired

    6、now.3、邀约(Invitation)Tony: Hi, Blaire. So whats the plan?Blaire: (1)_Tony: Thats a good idea. I havent played tennis for ages.Blaire: Great! Is 7:00 all right?Tony: Could you make it a little later? I have to work until 6:30.Blaire: Thats no problem. What time do you want to meet?Tony: I am sure I ca

    7、n make it to the tennis court by 7:30, but how about having dinner first? (2)_ and I didnt have time for lunch.Blaire: Ok.I know a fantastic Chinese restaurant.Tony: I dont really like Chinese food.(3) _A.Do you feel like playing tennis tonight?B.Could we go to an Italian restaurant instead?C.Its re

    8、ally busy around here today.4、家常话题(Likes and dislikes)Mary: What did you think of the movie?Jany: I thought it was gorgeous! I loved it!Mary: You did? (1) _Jany: Why? What didnt you like about it?Mary: For one thing, there was too much violence in it, always fighting and killing!Jany: But it was jus

    9、t an action movie!Mary: And the story was silly too.(2)_ Jany: Well, you see, the stories are always simple in those movies.Mary: What did you like about it?Jany:(3)_ And I like the movie star. The young guys are crazy about her!A.It was very exciting, wasnt it?B.Always the same old thing.C.But I th

    10、ought it was boring.5、家庭对话Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance?Father: Oh. I forgot about that.Joshua: You ALWAYS forget.Father: I guess I do.(1)_ Joshua: Just $13.Father: Well, Im not sure if I have that much.Joshua: Go to the bank.(2)_ Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well, I think th

    11、e bank is closed.Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed?Father: Oh, I guess I could do that.(3)_ Joshua: Im going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books.Father: Well, that sounds great, Joshua.A.So, what are you going to do with the

    12、 money?B.You have lots of money.C.How much do I owe you?6、商量问题(Bring up a topic)Tom: Um, Susan? Theres something I have to ask you.Susan: (1)_Tom: Well, you know, (2)_ and its really not holding up very well.Susan: Right.Tom: Sometimes, when I was driving the car, I wondered if I could ever make it

    13、to the destination. And it happened.Susan: It did?Tom: Yes,(3) _A.it broke down yesterdayB.About what?C.my car is on its last legs7、购物(Shopping)Woman: Can I help you?Man: Yes, (1)_ Its her birthday, so I want something special.Woman: Well, how much do you want to spend?Man: Oh, (2) _.Woman: Oh? Well

    14、, how about a nice ring?Man: Thats a good idea. Mmm how much is this one?Woman: Thats, er, $1,259.Man: Oh, er, well, its er, not the right design for my daughter.Woman: Well, heres a beautiful bracelet. Its only $454.Its eighteen-carat gold.Man: Hmm, well no.(3) _ I dont like the shape. How about that calculator over ther


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