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    1、嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 欢迎使用callvt. shout, cry大声说出;喊,叫;order or ask sb. to come by telephoning打电话给;把叫做; make a short visit 拜访n. (一次)电话词组call at 拜访某地 call for 要求;把召来;需要,要求call in 收回,回收;请来(某人) call off 取消call on 拜访某人;号召,要求;恳请(某人)做某事)call out 大声地说 call up 打电话;召集,征召(入役);使人想起calmadj. (of the sea) without large wave

    2、s; still(指海洋)无浪的,平静的; not excited, nervous or agitated; quiet 镇静的keep / remain calm calm down 辨析calm;quiet;silent;still;calm 表示“平静的,镇定的”,可以表示人内心的平静状态也可指海面的平静状态 He remained calm in face of danger. After the storm, the sea was rather calm.quiet表示“安静的,宁静的”。用于人时,表示性格温和;用于物时,表示相对地没有嘈声及骚动的安静状态,即使有声音,声音也很低

    3、 He was a quiet man who didnt let small things upset himself. She enjoys a quiet life in the small village.silent表示“安静的,无声的,沉默的”,主要用于人,表示不说话或很少说话,尤指沉默寡言。它强调没有声音,不指任何动作。 He promised to keep silent on the matter. All was silent again after the accident.still表示“寂静的,静止的,不动的”,强调人,事物或环境绝对静止。没有动作与声音。它不能用来指

    4、人的心理状态。 Please stand still while I take your photo.campus n. grounds and buildings of a university or college(大学的)校园,学校校园词组 campus life 大学生活 live on campus住在校内campaign n. a campaign against unclear weapons / an advertising campaign an election campaign / a campaign to raise money campaign for / agai

    5、nst sth. launch a campaign candidate n. person who applies for a job or is nominated for election 候选人;求职者词组candidate for president总统候选人 candidate for manager经理应聘者cancel v. cancelled, cancelled cancel a holiday / concert / meeting cancel doing something capable adj. a very capable woman / be capable

    6、of sth. / doing sth.capture vt. take (sb. /sth. ) as a prisoner俘虏,捕获; take or win (sth.) by force or skill 夺得,占领; (用照片等)将保存,留存 n. 虏获,捕获, 战利品 He was captured trying to escape from the country. The cat has captured a mouse. This advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere.辨析arrest;c

    7、apture; catch;seizearrest 逮捕,拘留 The police arrested the thief.capture捕获,虏获 We captured him alive.catch捉,抓住 The boy caught a bird.seize(突然地)抓住 They seized him by he collar.carevi. be worried; concerned 关心;considering how much 介意; look after sb照顾,护理n. 照管;关心;关怀;小心词组care about关心;(因关心)而担忧;介意,在乎(常用于否定、疑问、

    8、条件句)care for 照顾,照料;(常用于否定句和疑问句)喜欢take care 当心,注意 take care of照料,照顾;处理 care of (邮件)由转交(c/o)She cares for her sick mother carefully I dont baseball./ Would you a cup of tea? He doesnt care a bit about clothes/money/fame. I dont care (about ) what theyll say/if she leaves or not.句子前常省略about I dont care

    9、 if you smoke/when you will return the book Write me care of my uncle.来信请注明由我叔叔转交carry vt. support the weight of (sb. / sth.) and take (him/it) from place to place运载;传送;携带;担负词组carry away使失去自制力,使着迷,使忘情carry on (it)继续,坚持;从事,经营 carry on doing sth.carry ( it )out 执行,贯彻;实现 carry through(不顾困难等)完成;使度过困难(危险

    10、) (newspaper) carry news (报刊)刊登新闻 carry money /ones ID card carry a baby / carry 500 passengers /goods carry electricity well / carry a box on the shoulder carry out the policy; carry out the reforms; carry out the experiments; see ones plan carried out; casen. instance or example of the occurrence

    11、of sth. 事例;案例;情况词组in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in case假使,以防万一in case of假如,如果发生 in no case无论如何也不,决不in most cases在大多数情况下 civil cases民事案件a case in point恰当的例子 in that case例句 Take the umbrella, just in case.带上伞,以防下雨。Put down my address in case you forget.写下我的地址万一你忘记。In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.如遇火警,请按警

    12、铃。In no case will I go with you.我决不会跟你走。He may be late, in which case wed better wait.他或许迟到了,如果这样的话,我们最好等等。cash n . pay in cash castv. throw (sth.) esp. deliberately or with force 扔;投;抛词组cast away丢掉 cast sb. into prison(=throwinto prison)把投进监狱cast a shadow on(over) 投下阴影 cast (throw) light on / cast

    13、a net catchvt. capture sb. /sth. after a chase 赶上;抓住; understand 理解;感染; (cause sth. to) become fixed, stuck (使)钩住词组catch a bus / train赶上车 catch sb. Smoking / cheating无意中抓住某人吸烟(作弊) catch sb. in the act of doing sth. / catch the last word理解最后一句catch a cold 感冒 be caught in the rain 被雨淋 be caught on a stone 被石头绊住 be caught in the door被门夹住 catch fire着火 catch sb. by the arm 抓住某人的胳膊catch up with赶上 catch sight of / catch sb. alive cause n. that which produces an effect; thing, event, person, etc that makes sth. happen 原因,起因;事业 vt. aim, principle or movement that is strongly defended or


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