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    1、承诺书英文模板(共6篇) 第1篇:承诺书英文承诺书英文承诺书英文篇1:英文承诺书 after being coated as per applicationandbeingdried,h04-19a specification high-solid-content environmental protection-typeimpregnating varnish for magnetic core produced by our company boasts a good mechanicaland physicochemical performance.the coating on thes

    2、urface of the core still have the same performance as in the normal conditionsafter being heated for a long time at a temperature of 130 to 145.承诺书英文篇2:英文承诺书this is a non-binding letter of intent that conta provisions that are being discued for a poible sale of the busine named above from the poible

    3、 seller named above to the poible buyer named above.this is not a contract.this is not a legally binding agreement.this is merely an outline ofperformanceandulation poible contract terms for discuion purposes only.this is being signed in order to enable the poible buyer to apply for financing of the

    4、 purchase price.this letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the poible lenders of the poible buyer.the terms of the transaction being discued are attached hereto, but the terms (and the poible sa

    5、le itself) are not binding unle and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by poible seller and poible buyer.the word shall is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read, and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding.承

    6、诺书英文篇3:营业性演出告知承诺书the letter of notification and promise of shanghai performancebrokeragetitutionsconcerning foreign-related commercial performance and commercialperformance related to hong kong, taiwan and macao in accordance with the “regulations on administration of commercial performance” of the

    7、state council of the peoples republic of china and “the detailed rules for the implementation of the regulationson administration of commercial performance” of the ministry of culture of the peoples republic of china and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the shanghai administration of

    8、culture, radio, film and televisionconcerningstrengtheningthe foreign-related commercial performance, performance sponsoring units (the notifying party) and performing groups and individuals (the promise party) shall sign this letter of notification and promise concerning foreign-related commercial

    9、performance or commercial performance related to hong kong, taiwan and macao to define therights,obligationsandlegal responsibilities of the two sides for their common observation.i.the notification of performance brokerage titutions1.the performance brokerage titution that has obtained the governme

    10、nt approval documents for a performance project is a legal performance busine entity and shall undertake the responsibility for sponsoring performance activities.article 23 of the “detailed rules for the implementation of the regulationsonadministrationofcommercial performance” of the ministry of cu

    11、ltures provide that a busine entity of commercial performance when sponsoring commercial performance shall handle the application formalities for performance, arrange program contents, determine the price for the performance and take charge of the settlement of payment and expenditure of the perform

    12、ance, pay or withhold relevant taxes and fees in accordance with the law, consciously accept the supervision and administration of the cultural administration department of the locality where the performance is held and fulfill other specific obligations.2.when sponsoring foreign-related commercial

    13、performance or commercial performance related to hong kong, macao and taiwan, the sponsoring unit should be responsible for handling the entry and exit procedures for foreign, hong kong, macao and taiwan cultural, art and performing groups and individuals in a unified manner and if sponsoring a perf

    14、ormance tour, the unit should also be responsible for making arrangements for communication and program contents for the entire tour. 3.article 26 of the “regulations on administration of commercial performance” of the state council provide that commercial performance must not1).oppose the basic pri

    15、nciples laid down in the constitution; 2).endanger the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, jeopardize the security of the state or harm the honor and the interests of the state;3).incite ethnic hatred or discrimination, harm ethnic customs and habits, hurt ethnic sentiments, u

    16、ndermine the unity of ethnic groups and violate religious policies;4).disrupt social order and undermine social stability;5).harm social ethics or fine national culture and traditions;6).advocate obscenity, pornography, evil cults, superstition or play up violence;7).ult or slander others, infringe upon others legitimate rights and interests;8).be horrible or cruel in the forms of performance and r


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