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    1、,Unit 6 TextA Consumer Behavior Influencers消费行为影响因素,目 录,消费行为研究的是人们做事情的原因。我们越能明白消费者行为的那些理智的(rational 理智的)、情绪的和经常潜意识的(subconscious 潜意识的)原因,我们就越能创造出有效 的市场营销活动(marketing campaign)。,1.Consumer behavior is the study of why people do what they do.The better we can understand the rational,emotional and ofte

    2、n subconscious reasons for consumers actions,the better we will be at creating effective marketing campaigns.,那些好的营销总是能让人们做我们想要他们做的事情吗?不。但它能以最可能的方式(in alight 从的角度;以的方式)呈现我们品牌的故事。为了做这件事,重要的是了 解什么是消费者想要的,他们怎样做的决定,为什们他们会选择他们要的那个品牌以及 我们应该怎样和在哪里和他们交谈。,2.Does good marketing always makepeopledowhatwewantth

    3、emtodo?No.Butitcanpresentourbrandsstoryinthebestpossiblelight.Inordertodothisitisimportanttounderstandwhatconsumerswant,howtheymakedecisions,whytheychoosethebrandstheydo,and how and whereweshouldtalktothem.,在一个杂货店里花费一个小时去观察别人购物,你会看见各种各样不同类型的购物者。一些人会注重他们的任务并努力去填满一张具体的货物清单。有些人会慢慢地比较并排 的产品,决定着沿路下来什么是他们

    4、想要的。一些人注重通过促销、优惠券(coupons 优惠券)、交易卷(volumevljum 卷)获得最好的交易。还有一些人一直徘徊在通道中,寻找着他们应该为周末准备什么的灵感。,3.Spend an hour in a grocery store watching other people shop.You will see a variety of different kinds of shoppers.Some are focused people on a mission trying to fulfill a specific list of goods.You will see o

    5、thers slowly comparing products side by side,deciding what they want as they go along.Others are focused on getting the best deals through sales,coupons and volume deals.And still others wander the aisles looking for inspiration as to what they should prepare for the week.,4.Understanding what consu

    6、mers do is interesting,but it is only half the job.The really important thing to understand is why they do what they do.Once you understand why,you can begin to predict behavior and in marketing,that means sales.,了解消费者做什么是很有趣的,但只是我们一半的工作。真正重要的是了解他们为什么 要这样做。一旦你明白为什么,你就可以开始预测行为和运用在市场上,那意味着销售。,5.There

    7、are two influencers on consumer behavior which deserve our attention:environment and culture.,消费者行为有两个影响因素值得我们注意:环境和文化。,Environment and consumer behavior环境和消费者行为6.We are affected by everything around us:friends,family,advertising,trends,celebrities,prices,pastexperiences,statusandperceivedstatus.All

    8、thesefactorsadduptotheenvironmentin whichwelive.,我们会受到我们周围每个人每样东西的影响,如朋友、家人、广告、潮流、名人(celebrity 名人)、价格、过去的经历、地位和认知地位等。所有这些因素组成了我们生存的环境。,7.When you sit down for breakfast tomorrow,pour yourself a big glass of fresh,cold milk.Notice any difference?The environment dictates the appropriateness of your be

    9、verage selection.In one environment,your beverage selection is perfectly appropriate and in another it is completely inappropriate.,当第二天你坐下来吃早餐时,你倒给你自己一大杯新鲜的冷冻的牛奶。你觉得有人会陌 生奇怪地看着你吗?然后你去一个热闹的新夜店点一杯牛奶。你发现有什么不同了吗?环境指示你饮料选择的适当性(appropriateness)。在一个环境下,你饮料选择是很适当 的,但在另一个环境下,它可能是完全不适当的。,8.In much of the wor

    10、ld,brands are seen as a demonstration of your success.Once in Eastern Europe,even the poorest day laborer would have had a pack of Marlboro cigarettes to share with friends at a club.But Marlboro cigarettes were expensive in Eastern Europe.Must pf the time,the box was filled with local brand cigaret

    11、tes that cost a tenth of the price.The status of the Marlboro package in the environment gave“badge value”to the owner even more than the actual product.,在许多的地方,品牌被看做是你成功的象征。在东欧,即使是最穷困的打零工的人(day laborer 打零工的人)也会在一个俱乐部里拿一包万宝路香烟和朋友分享。但是万宝路香 烟在东欧是很贵的。绝大多数时间,一箱满是当地品牌的香烟才会花费掉其十分之一的 价钱。在那个环境下,万宝路包装的地位带给拥有

    12、者“徽章的价值”甚至超过实际产品(actual product)。,9.Brands can tell others who we are,what we think and value,and even signal our level of success in world.This all stems from the environment we live in and its effect on consumer behavior.,品牌会告诉别人我们是谁,我们的想法、价值观、甚至标志着我们在世界上成功的水平。这都来源于我们生活的环境和它所影响下的消费者行为。,10.In some

    13、developing countries Western brands were displayed in peoples apartments like art.A box of Kelloggs breakfast cereal would be prominently displayed to tell everyone coming through the house that this family was in the know and could afford expensive Western brands.,在一些发展中国家,西方品牌被当做艺术一样展示在人们的房子里。一箱凯洛

    14、格早餐麦 片粥被明显地摆放着以告诉经过房子的每一个人,这个家庭知道并负担得起昂贵的西方 品牌产品。,11.Your age and the generation you belong to have a huge impact on how you view the world,what you hold true and your belief structure.Gender,sexual orientation all play a major role in defining who you are,what you think,how you react and how you vi

    15、ew the future.,你的年龄和所在的年代对你如何看待世界、你真理观和你的信仰结构都有巨大的影响。性别、性取向(sexual orientation)、家庭地位、教育成就(attainment 成就,达到)、种族特点(ethnicity 种族特点)、收入、地理和职业都在你确定你是谁、你想的是什么、你怎样反应以及你怎样看待未来中扮演了一个主要的角色。,Culture and consumer behavior文化和消费者行为 12.Culture is what defines a particular group of people at a specific time and pla

    16、ce.It is the culmination of the knowledge,values and beliefs a group of people holds in common.Culture is constantly evolving and changing.Who we are,what we believe,what we want out of life,our view of justice,fairness,appropriateness are all the result of the culture we live in.,正是文化,定义了在一个特别的时间和地方一群特别的人。它是一群人共同拥有的知识、价值和信仰的顶点(culmination 顶点)。文化在不断地进化和变化。我们是谁、我们相 信什么、我们想要什么(what we want out of life)、我们关于正义、平等、适当的看法 等都是我们所处于的文化的结果。,13.Countries have cultures and numerous subcultures within that


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