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    1、学术英语 社科,Academic English for Social Sciences,7,Change in JournalismIn the era when technology is changing every aspect of our lives,the ways of reporting and viewing news are inevitably affected.How digital technology-driven products like iPad,Kindle are impacting traditional journalism is the focus

    2、 of this unit.,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Unit Contents,Text A,Text B,Listening,Writing,Lead-in,Text C,Lead-in,Lead-in task,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Lead-in,Task Watch the video clip and complete the sentences according to what you have heard.,1 The topic of the video clip is _.2 The benefits of e

    3、-books include:They can _;they are _ and allow readers to _;they enable people to _.3 The number of e-book titles stocked by A is _.4 The reason to choose digital releases is to _.5 The critics think e-books are _.6 The legal settlement dictates _ which is opposed by _.,Unit 7Change in Journalism,e-

    4、books,read the story out loud,store hundreds of titles,portable,download books,300,000 e-book titles,save on the costs of producing a book,not as engaging as traditional paper books,Microsoft and Yahoo,Google has got the rights to millions of,copyrighted titles instead of Amazon,Text A,Critical read

    5、ing and thinking Difficult sentences English language for academic purpose,Specialized vocabulary Collocations Signpost language Formal English,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text AnalysisRead Para.1 and find out the qualities of the new form of journalism,

    6、ubiquitous news,global information access,instantaneous reporting,interactivity,multimedia content,and extreme content customization,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,Advantages:a potentially better form of journalismDisadvantage:It presents many

    7、 threats to the most cherished values and standards of journalism(authenticity of content,source verification,accuracy,and truth),Unit 7Change in Journalism,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,Argument:A set of economic,regulatory,and cultural forces,driven by technological

    8、change,are converging to bring about a massive shift in the nature of journalism at the millennium.(causes),Unit 7Change in Journalism,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,Supporting details:(Paras.3-4)The growth of a global economic system has rewritten the financial basis f

    9、or journalism and the media in general.2)deregulation 3)The end of Cold War has unleashed a variety of cultural and political forces,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,4)convergence of technology and media The new media system embraces all forms o

    10、f human communication in a digital format Convergence is also occurring in the realm of media ownership,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text AnalysisTwo different assumptions about convergence:,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Convergence is a good thing and inevi

    11、table.Reasons:It holds the promise of a better,more efficient,more democratic medium for journalism and the public in the 21st century.,Convergence is neither inevitable nor necessarily good.Reasons:enormous threats to privacy,increasing concentration of ownership,a shrinking diversity of voices,an

    12、ever-escalating race to report the new more rapidly,inequitable access o information technology and digital journalism.,Text A,Difficult sentences,Nowadays the new medium means anyone can publish something she/he wants to say as long as she/he has a computer and a modem.In this case,it is difficult

    13、to check the authenticity of content,to verify the source,to guarantee accuracy,and to stick to the truth.,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Authenticity of content,source verification,accuracy,and truth are all suspect in a medium where anyone with a computer and a modem can become a global publisher.(Par

    14、a.1),Text A,Difficult sentences,Paramount is the frequently held,techno-utopian assumption that convergence is a good thing and inevitable.(Para.8),The most dominant assumption describes an ideal world in which convergence is a good thing and will happen at any rate.,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Do th

    15、e tasks on pages 142-143.,Collocations,Text A,English language for academic purpose,the penny pressin the twilight ofmultinational corporate behemothsmergers and acquisitionsan ever-escalating racein the realm of There is no denying thatParamount is,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Signpost language,The f

    16、irst example is.For instance.Heres an example of what I mean.Let me give you an example.,Text A,English language for academic purpose,giving examples(page 144),Unit 7Change in Journalism,Do Task 2 on page 144.,Text A,2,English language for academic purpose,Formal English,Unit 7Change in Journalism,Do Task 3 on page 145.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Task 1 Text A discusses how journalism is impacted by new media and all kinds of forces in the digital era.Complete the following diagram abo


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