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    1、定语从句的翻译n英语定语从句的翻译方法主要涉及到限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的译法。此外,有些英语定语从句和主句之间还存在者状语关系,对这种定语从句的译法值得探讨。n限制性vs.非限制性His father, who is standing over there, works in a computer company.His father who is standing over there works in a computer company.一、前置法The people who worked for himwho worked for him lived in mortal fe

    2、ar of him.在他手下工作的在他手下工作的人对他怕得要死。There will come a day when people the world when people the world over will live a happy life under the sun of over will live a happy life under the sun of peacepeace.全世界人民在和平阳光下过幸福的生活的全世界人民在和平阳光下过幸福的生活的一天是会到来的。 He liked his sister, who was warm and who was warm and p

    3、leasantpleasant, but he did not like his brother, who who was aloof and arrogantwas aloof and arrogant. 他喜欢热情愉快的热情愉快的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的冷漠高傲的哥哥。 The sun, which had hidden all daywhich had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.那个整天躲在云层里的那个整天躲在云层里的太阳,现在又光芒四射地露面了。二、后置法 1、重复法He unselfishly contribut

    4、ed his uncommon talents and indefatigable spirit to the struggle which today brings them (those aims) within which today brings them (those aims) within the reach of a majority of the human racethe reach of a majority of the human race.他把自己非凡的才智和不倦的精力无私地奉献给了这种斗争,这种斗争今天已使人类中大这种斗争今天已使人类中大多数人可以达到这些目标多数

    5、人可以达到这些目标。It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turnedeyes fell when he stopped and turned.他站住,转过身来,定睛一看,是个年迈他站住,转过身来,定睛一看,是个年迈的妇女的妇女,她身材很高,仍然一副好模样,虽然受了时间的折磨而有点憔悴。练习1. Cambridge University has nurtured great scient

    6、ists, thinkers and poets such as Newton, Bacon, Milton, Byron and Darwin, who made outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind.2. Opposition to genetically modified foods had come mostly from rich Western countries, whose people had more than enough to eat.2 、省略法He managed to raise a crop of

    7、 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds that weighed up to two pounds eacheach.他居然种出二百个奇迹般的西红柿,每个重达每个重达两磅两磅。It is he who received the letter that announced that announced the death of your unclethe death of your uncle.是他收到那封信,说你的叔叔去世了说你的叔叔去世了。After dinner, the four key negotiators resume

    8、d their talks, which continued well into the nightwhich continued well into the night.饭后,四个主要的谈判人物继续进行会谈,一直谈到一直谈到深夜深夜。When she was lost to his view, he pursued his homeward way, glancing up sometimes at the sky, where the clouds were sailing fast and wildlywhere the clouds were sailing fast and wild

    9、ly.直到看不见她,他才走向家去,有时抬头望望天空,乌云在翻滚奔驰乌云在翻滚奔驰。练习One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End.Scientists have been devoted to developing high-yield rice varieties that sparked the green revolution in the 1970s.Like the press in most other

    10、 countries, American newspapers range from the sensational, which feature crime, sex and gossip, and the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events.三、融合法 The idea that the family is the traditional unit of society is challenged by American youth who are increasingly turnin

    11、g down who are increasingly turning down marriagemarriage. 家庭是社会的传统组成成分,而美国青年美国青年越来越拒绝婚姻越来越拒绝婚姻,使得这种观念受到了挑战Apple pie is a favorite sweet, and English puddings, of which there are various of which there are various typestypes, are an excellent ending to a meal, especially in winter. 苹果派是人们喜爱的甜点,而英国布丁

    12、品而英国布丁品种多样种多样,用来结束全餐,非常不错,尤其冬天更是如此练习Todays Japan is totally different from the Japan of five decades ago, particularly in social attitudes, which have strayed from traditional Asian values.Normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is higher than it is in other pa

    13、rts of the world where there is not as much evaporation.Consumers will want roomier cars that are smaller outside, safer cars that weigh less, and better performing vehicles that are affordable.非限制性定语从句可译成独立句 He had talked to Vice-President Nixon, who who assured him that everything that could be as

    14、sured him that everything that could be done would be donedone would be done.他和副总统尼克松谈过话。副总统向他担保,副总统向他担保,凡是能够做到的都将竭尽全力去做。凡是能够做到的都将竭尽全力去做。One was a violent thunderstorm, the worst I had ever seen, which obscured my objective.which obscured my objective.有一次是暴风骤雨,猛烈的程度实为我生平所仅见。这阵暴风雨遮住了我的目标。这阵暴风雨遮住了我的目标

    15、。四、兼有状语职能的定语从句兼有状语职能的定语从句 (一)译成表“因”的分句We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyesmany more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.我们知道由于猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛吸收由于猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛吸收更多的光线更多的光线,所以猫在黑夜也能看得很清楚。(二)译成表示“果”的分句There was something

    16、 original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of themthat pleased all of them.这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魅力,所以使他们很喜欢所以使他们很喜欢。(三)译成表“让步”的分句My assistant, who had carefully read through who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experimentthe instructions before doing his experiment, could not obtain satisfactory results, because he followed them mechanically.虽然我的助手在做试验之前已从头到尾仔细阅虽然我的助手在做试验之前已从头到尾仔细阅读过说明书读过说明书,但由于他死搬硬套,所以不能得到满意的结果。(四)译成表“目的”的分句The imperialist states


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